09 Jul 6 Major Industries that Rely on Steel Materials and Applications
By today’s standards, steel is one of the most common manmade materials in the world. More than 1.6 billion tons of steel are produced due to the material’s high demand for construction and use. This metal material is amongst the cheapest to be manufactured, which is why it is used for countless products. Modern steel is supplied and offered in various grades for many organizations and industries. That’s correct—steel is used in many applications for many industries. Which industries might these be? We discuss the major markets that rely on steel for their everyday professional lives. Let’s take a look.
Construction Industry
No list about the uses of steel would be complete without mentioning how much construction industries all over the world rely on steel. Steel is a reputable and preferred material amongst architects, engineers, and contractors.
What makes steel an ideal material for this industry is its durability and reliability. When it comes to infrastructure, both commercial and residential, the stronger the material the better it is to work with. Strength is not the only factor that makes steel a relevant material in this industry. Steel is also known for being flexible, which allows builders and construction workers to better achieve their building plans at ease.
Studies show that almost two thousand pounds of steel are used to make one vehicle. Approximately a third of the material is used to create the body structure and the exterior, including the doors. With that being, it’s evident that the automotive industry relies on and admires the durable nature of steel just as much as the construction industry. Steel is chosen for the framework of vehicles due to its great corrosion resistance. Vehicles are bound to come into contact with heavy rainfall, mud, and other debris. All of this won’t have a physical effect on a vehicle because of how strong and resistant steel is towards these factors.
Other Forms of Transportation
Steel is not solely used for the manufacturing of vehicles. Steel can often be found in the makeup of ships, trains and train cars, and plane parts as well. In fact, ships that are made predominantly out of steel are responsible for carrying and transferring 90% of global cargo. This is due to the fact that steel can durably get these materials from point A to point B with little possibility of complications. Besides marine craft, steel is used to support the wheels, axles, bearings, and motors within trains. In airplanes, steel is crucial for engine makeup and landing gear.
Domestic Appliances
Almost all of the appliances that homeowners rely on to have their chores and home duties completed contain steel. Clothes washers and dryers, microwave ovens, dishwashers, and refrigerators all contain steel in varying amounts, especially appliances that run on motors. Out of all of these appliances, a front-loading washer and a top-bottom refrigerator-freezer contain the most steel material. Steel allows these appliances to run and operate for years on end and to prevent running into manufacturing flaws and problems.
Energy Industry
Our everyday energy is supplied by many industries, such as oil and gas, wind, renewables, hydroelectric dams, and more. What all of these energy-producing industries have in common is that they all rely on steel, as well. Steel products make up the vast majority of the specific parts and the machinery that power these fields of energy. The oil and gas sector, especially, requires strong materials to support the transfer of materials from wells deep down in the earth for processing plants. This is where steel products come into play. With strong, customized steel tubes and plates, materials are successfully extracted and transferred.
Manufacturing Industry
This industry specifically is filled with several factories that are comprised of employees and automated machines that are responsible for conducting a large number of jobs to create certain products. The vast majority of the machines used in these manufacturing industries are made out of steel in efforts to meet safety precautions involved in these factory settings. Steel provides the structural support and safety nets that these settings need and rely on. Industrial stairs, steel ladders, and handrails are oftentimes what separates workers from the possibility of hazards and accidents. Steel is a major factor in taking preventative actions.
Choose Us As Your Steel Supplier
The team at Kalisch Steel is well aware of how much steel and other metal materials are necessary for specific industries and their everyday obligations. It is our honor to provide the materials that these demanding industries need to fuel and support their projects and infrastructure. Contact us today to learn more about the products we offer.